Story of Grandma Jenjen

Cerita ini dibuat dalam bahasa Inggris dan diambil dari 911 for dogs.

My name is Jenjen. I heard the vet said that I am at least 10 years old, maybe more. Honestly I forgot how old I am exactly. As an old lady, I forgot about small things like my age.
I don’t remember much about the story of my life, but I remember having something on my shoulder. I don’t know what it is.. I guess I’m too old to understand such thing. But it felt weird and painful sometimes. The family that previously owned me did the best they could for me, but the thing on my shoulder kept getting bigger.

A friend from 911 For Dogs heard about me and this thing on my shoulder. So my previously family decided to let 911 For Dogs take me to the doctor who can try to fix my shoulder. I thank my previous family who want the best for me and let another family take care of me.
I am now resting and recovering at the vet clinic after the doctor operated me last week. I heard the doctor said that it was a big tumor on my shoulder. But I guess because of my old age, I am still feeling weak. The doctor told my new friends from 911 For Dogs that it’s going to take longer time for me to feel better again. 

Kondisi JenJen menurun drastis sejak semalam. Selain ternyata ada sinusitis, hasil tes darah menunjukan JenJen gagal ginjal. Dia mulai muntah-muntah dan susah bernafas hari ini. Akhirnya tadi sekitar pukul 3.30 sore, 4 Juni 2011 – JenJen pulang ke Rainbow Bridge.

Finally and eternally adopted by God. We love you, JenJen. You fought a good fight. Now rest, play and say hi to all our furry friends up there who have passed us away.

Love and piece... O:)

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