Teach It : Fetch !

This is a fun game for high-octane retrievers and the basis for many a cute trick

Retriever retrieve, but most dogs enjoy chasing and fetching for you. This is a form of prey behavior play. In retrievers, it has been softened through training and selective breeding. A Labrador who shreds the duck instead of bringing it back unshredded isn’t helping put roast duck on the table.
Terriers, with their vermin-killing heritage, are often more enthusiastic, biting and shaking a thrown toy. And some dogs simply never see the point in retrieving; figuring that if you threw it away, you must not want it! As with any trick training, if your dog simply doesn’t get the point of something, no matter what, find something else for him to do.

Fetching can be a boon on cold days because a dog can be exercised by chasing something around the house. Some dogs are ball obsessed others like something furry or squeaky. Because this prey behavior, a toy that feels and sounds like a hapless prey animal can be very attractive. Some dogs will fetch a rolled-up ball of paper; others will go after only something that has a squeaker or a soft, furry feel. Experiment to find out what really gets your dog excited. When you find that thing, reserve it for special playtime and training.

Because this is prey behavior, anything you can do to make the toy act like an animal will rev your dog up. Pretend he’s a cat and make the toy act in jerky movements. Tie it to a string and drag it. Cat toys can be great fun for tiny dogs.

  • Several types of ball throwing aids are available to make fetching easier for you and allow you to throw the ball farther.
  • A tennis racquet, golf club, or baseball bat works well, too, and you can practice your swing at the same time.
  • A baseball or tennis ball can be whacked a good distance with a golf club.
  • Be careful not to smack your dog in the head when using a club or bat!

  • Make sure you are throwing a ball that is big enough that your dog can’t choke. He shouldn’t be able to completely close his mouth around the ball.
  • A golf ball would be too small for all but the tiniest of dogs
  • Frisbees, sticks, plastic drink bottles filled with sand, and even large pieces of knotted rope are good alternatives to the standard tennis ball. Your dog won’t care if it’s an expensive dog toy or just whatever is handy.

  • Fetch is a good indoor rainy day activity, and your dog doesn’t even need to know any formal tricks yet.
  • If she is fit, throw a toy up and down a flight of stairs for her. This isn’t a good idea on slippery wooden stairs because a dog at speed dan skips too easily.
  • Use soft toys for inside throwing
  • Try throwing toys straight up for her to fetch midair. This is great rear leg and gluts exercise

  • Some dogs are natural retrievers. Other will love it after they’re taught the game, and some will simply never retrieve.
  • To teach your dog the game, use a long leash. Throw the toy. When she has it in her mouth, call her and run backward, bringing her to you. Reward and repeat until she’s enjoying herself.
  • If she absolutely refuses to even chase it, no matter what you do, accept that she’s not retriever material and find another game to play.
sumber : Knack

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